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When Alien Attack: Moisés Campelo UFO Encounter

On his way home, an intense light that startled a farmer, Moisés Campelo, paralyzed him and lifted him off the ground twice. These UFO events had a variety of physical consequences for him.



When Alien Attack: Moisés Campelo UFO Encounter

On his way home, an intense light that startled a farmer, Moisés Campelo, paralyzed him and lifted him off the ground twice.

These UFO events had a variety of physical consequences for him.

Moisés Campelo UFO Encounter

In the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte’s Campo Redondo, a striking UFO incident of an aggressive nature against a farmer occurred in May 1991.

Moisés Campelo, the case’s main character, and a farmer left his brother’s home near the community church. They began walking down a hill toward his home, just over a kilometer away.

Even though it was already dark and raining, Moisés continued to walk calmly without opening his umbrella.

He climbed a hill from his brother’s house and then descended it.

He noticed a glow to his right when he got to the top.

The light was reportedly three kilometers east of his location, over a mountain.

Moisés disregarded the reality, thinking it was a car, and went about his business.

A strange light suddenly appeared above his head after a few steps.

Moisés Campelo’s eyes were even burned because it was so intense. It seemed to rotate slowly and was the size of a house.

When Alien Attack: Moisés Campelo UFO Encounter

The UFO Abduction

The light emitted from the UFO engulfed Moisés.

He experienced immediate paralysis; simultaneously, his body was engulfed in intense heat.

Moisés experienced a very light feeling as the light drew him.

“It lit up everything around me, and it got really hot. I felt like I was being sucked up. I was terrified. I climbed about a meter and a half. I couldn’t speak or scream for help, and I couldn’t move. The light was too hot. I was terrified.”

In an interview with UFO researcher Bob Pratt 16 months after the incident, Moisés recalled having a package of cookies under his arm.

The entire package was crushed as a result of his body tensing up dramatically.

Before it was lowered to the ground and the light from the UFO moved to a tree 20 meters away, Moisés Campelo calculated that he was suspended beneath the device for about 5 minutes.

Moisés was freed and fell to the ground, feeling lost and with sore eyes.

He dragged himself to his house nearby with difficulty.

“I was crawling around like a gecko because I couldn’t walk. I walked away about 200 meters and stayed under a small tree, stopping for a while to rest. Then I started moving again, and as soon as I got out from under the tree, they returned and got me again.”

The Second Attack

This time, the device came from behind and positioned itself next to the tree where the farmer was.

Again a beam of light was emitted towards him, and the besieger felt himself levitating towards the object.

“My head hit the branches as I climbed. I froze again, but this time I felt freezing. I couldn’t move or scream, and the light hurt my eyes again. The thing was above me, spinning, spinning, spinning.”

Moises started to pray because he was so terrified.

This time, Moises hung beneath the thing for about fifteen minutes.

Moises was released and dropped violently to the ground while still hanging in the air.

He was no longer paralyzed, but he was still in excruciating pain. He dragged himself home out of fear of further harassment from the object.

“My left eye started to swell up. It felt like he would get out of his head, and when I entered the house, I couldn’t see him.”

When Moses got home, he nervously knocked on the door so his wife would open it and let him in. He was inconsolable and unable to explain what had occurred.

“I sat down in a chair, and for about five minutes, I couldn’t speak. A little later, I looked out the window and saw the light over the Church. When that happened to me, it was white, but from that distance, it looked like a huge red ball. It kept swinging back and forth like a pendulum.”

Psychological Evidences to Moisés Campelo UFO Encounter

For Moisés Campelo, the incident was highly traumatic. After that, he never ventured outside at night for fear of being attacked again. In addition to the trauma, the contact he experienced also resulted in physiological issues.

“For three to four months, my left side was paralyzed. The region around the waist and hips appeared paralyzed on the left side.”

In September 1991, when Bob Pratt spoke with Moises, he discovered that his left eye was still irritated.

“It swelled up so much that I couldn’t close my eye at night for a long time afterward. I still have trouble seeing after a few days.”

Moises had a problem with his eyes and went to the ophthalmologist. He was told by the ophthalmologist that he required surgery.

Still, the operation was postponed because of complications in the region.

Unfortunately, Rio Grande do Norte and its neighboring states frequently experience violent crimes of this nature.

Those affected frequently experience damaging psychological and physical effects.

Other UFO Attacks in the region

The Northeast region of Brazil is abundant with UFO sightings and mysterious attacks.

One of Brazil’s most significant regions, the northeast, comprises nine states: Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Maranho, Piau, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraba, and Pernambuco.

With a population of about 53.6 million, it is thought to make up about one-third of the nation’s total area.

Northeast Brazil’s population density in the 1970s was figured to be close to 34 people per square kilometer. This was significantly less than the country’s average during that time, which was roughly 64 people per square kilometer.

Northeast Brazil has a low population density, but during the 1970s, the area experienced some economic and social problems.

Most of the population lived in poverty and had limited access to essential services in this largely rural area.

The area also needed more infrastructure, which made the economic issues in the room even worse.

Despite these problems, the area has experienced notable advancements over the past few decades, including better access to healthcare and educational resources and increased economic growth.

The Barroso Incident – The Real Benjamin Button

Luis Fernandes Barroso saw a UFO on April 3, 1976, in Quixadá, Ceará.

He soon developed mental dementia, his skin slowly regenerated, his eyes swelled, and he had several bruises.

He also had scratches that may have been caused by local plants. Antonio Leudo da Silva, who also saw the UFO attack, was terrified and highly uneasy.

Sixteen doctors examined Barroso and discovered in his medical records that he had been “abducted by a flying saucer.”

He was ultimately sent home because they could not provide an accurate diagnosis.

Luis Fernandes Barroso’s health gradually declined, and he began to behave like a young child.

He passed away on April 1, 1993, with skin as smooth as a baby’s.

The Janiel’s Abduction

Janiel’s abduction occurred on November 2, 2008, in the rural area of the municipality of Itarema in Ceará, northeastern Brazil.

He was the youngest of Maria Nascimento’s three grandchildren, six years old at the time of the event.

Janiel described the UAP as part glass and part iron, like a gas plug.

It had a light on top like an “ambulance light,” and it made a “squeak like rain.”

He observed two Ufonauts, one stayed at the door, and the other crouched behind.

The Ufonauts grabbed Janiel by the shoulder, and the being took an object held in his mouth “like a switchblade” and cut Janiel below the armpit.

Janiel had scratches on her arm, shoulder, and back, all on the right side of her body.

Also, he had a deep and wide cut below Janiel’s arm, about 3 inches.

The cut was bloodless, and a kind of foam was in place. The shirt also had no traces or marks of blood.

The day after the accident, the ground seemed burnt when they went to the scene.

The children narrated that the wire’s metal was lit up, turning red when the object approached them.

Maria confirmed that there was an old wire fence on the ground, but they were smooth and not barbed.


  • Witness Credibility: Good;
  • Number of Witnesses: 1;
  • Evidence: physical;
  • Physical Evidence: body marks;
  • Official Investigation: none;
  • Close Encounter: Fourth Kind;
  • Documents:0

More information about the When Alien Attack: Moisés Campelo UFO Encounter


The Anunnaki: Ancient Aliens in the Bible?

The Anunnaki are a group of deities who are mentioned in Sumerian mythology. They are said to have come from a planet called Nibiru and are credited with creating humanity. Some people believe that the Anunnaki are actually aliens and that they visited Earth thousands of years ago.




The Anunnaki: Ancient Aliens in the Bible?

The Anunnaki are a group of deities who are mentioned in Sumerian mythology. They are said to have come from a planet called Nibiru and are credited with creating humanity. Some people believe that the Anunnaki are actually aliens and that they visited Earth thousands of years ago.

The evidence for the existence of the Anunnaki is mainly circumstantial. There are no physical remains of Nibiru, and there is no scientific consensus on whether or not aliens have visited Earth.

However, some ancient texts mention the Anunnaki, and there are several similarities between Sumerian mythology and modern UFO stories.

One of the most famous pieces of evidence for the existence of the Anunnaki is the Enuma Elish, a Babylonian creation myth.

The Enuma Elish tells how the Anunnaki came to Earth and created humanity. According to the Enuma Elish, the Anunnaki were originally gods who lived in the heavens.

However, they became tired of living in the heavens, so they decided to create a new world where they could live.

They created Earth, and they created humanity to work for them.

The Enuma Elish is just one of many ancient texts that mention the Anunnaki. Many ancient artifacts depict the Anunnaki. One of the most famous artifacts is the Gudea Cylinder, a Sumerian clay cylinder representing the God Ningishzidda, often identified with the Anunnaki.

The similarities between Sumerian mythology and modern UFO stories are also striking. In both cases, there are stories of aliens who come to Earth from a distant planet.

In both cases, the aliens are said to be taller and more intelligent than humans. And in both cases, the aliens are said to impact human culture profoundly.

Of course, the similarities between Sumerian mythology and modern UFO stories could be coincidental. However, it is also possible that the similarities prove that Anunnaki is real. If the Anunnaki did visit Earth thousands of years ago, they left behind stories and artifacts passed down through the generations.

The possibility that the Anunnaki are accurate is an exciting one. It would mean that we are not alone in the universe and that our history is much more complex than we ever imagined.

If you are interested in learning more about the Anunnaki, do some research on your own. There are some books and websites that can provide you with more information.

The Evidence for the Anunnaki

The evidence for the existence of the Anunnaki is mainly circumstantial. There are no physical remains of Nibiru, and there is no scientific consensus on whether or not aliens have visited Earth.

However, many ancient texts mention the Anunnaki, and some similarities exist between Sumerian mythology and modern UFO stories.

One of the most famous pieces of evidence for the existence of the Anunnaki is the Enuma Elish, a Babylonian creation myth.

The Enuma Elish tells how the Anunnaki came to Earth and created humanity. According to the Enuma Elish, the Anunnaki were originally gods who lived in the heavens. However, they became tired of living in the heavens, so they decided to create a new world where they could live.

They created Earth, and they created humanity to work for them.

The Enuma Elish is just one of many ancient texts that mention the Anunnaki. Some ancient artifacts depict the Anunnaki.

One of the most famous artifacts is the Gudea Cylinder, a Sumerian clay cylinder representing the God Ningishzidda, often identified with the Anunnaki.

The similarities between Sumerian mythology and modern UFO stories are also striking. In both cases, there are stories of aliens who come to Earth from a distant planet.

In both cases, the aliens are said to be taller and more intelligent than humans. And in both cases, the aliens are said to impact human culture profoundly.

Of course, the similarities between Sumerian mythology and modern UFO stories could be coincidental.

However, it is also possible that the similarities prove that Anunnaki is real. If the Anunnaki did visit Earth thousands of years ago, then it is possible that they left behind stories and artifacts passed down through the generations.

The Anunnaki and the Bible

Some people believe that the Anunnaki are mentioned in the Bible. In the book of Genesis, it is said that God created man in his image.

However, some people believe that this passage is referring to the Anunnaki.

They believe that the Anunnaki created humanity in their image and that they are the ones who taught us the knowledge that we have today.

Some passages in the Bible could be interpreted as references to the Anunnaki. For example, in the book of Ezekiel, it is said that there were “cherubim” who were “like the sons of men.”

Ezekiel 1:5: “As I looked, I saw a stormy wind coming out of the north—a great cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the cloud was glowing like glowing metal, and in the center of the fire was something like four living creatures. In appearance their form was human, 6 but each of them had four faces and four wings. 7 Their legs were straight, and their feet were like the feet of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. 8 Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. All four of them had faces and wings, 9 and the wings of one touched the wings of the creature on either side. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved.”

Ezekiel 10:14: “Each of the cherubim had four faces: One face was that of a cherub, the second the face of a human being, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.”
In both of these passages, the cherubim are described as having human-like features, such as faces and hands. However, they also have animal-like features, such as wings and the faces of lions and eagles. This combination of human and animal features is characteristic of cherubim in the Bible.

The meaning of the cherubim in Ezekiel is not entirely clear. Some scholars believe that they represent the presence of God, while others believe that they represent the four gospels.

Some people believe that these cherubim are references to the Anunnaki.

Of course, there is no scientific consensus on whether or not the Anunnaki are mentioned in the Bible. However, it is an exciting possibility to consider. If the Anunnaki are accurate, then it would mean that they have been involved in human history for a long time.

The Anunnaki and Modern UFO Stories

As mentioned earlier, there are several similarities between Sumerian mythology and modern UFO stories. In both cases, there are stories of aliens who come to Earth from a distant planet.

In both cases, the aliens are said to be taller and more intelligent than humans. And in both cases, the aliens are said to impact human culture profoundly.

Some people believe that these similarities are evidence that the Anunnaki are real. They believe that the Anunnaki are still visiting Earth today and that they are the ones who are responsible for the modern UFO phenomenon.

Of course, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. However, it is an exciting possibility to consider.

If the Anunnaki are accurate, then it would mean that they are still involved in human history.


The Anunnaki are a fascinating and mysterious group of beings. There is no scientific consensus on whether or not they are real, but much evidence suggests that they may be.

If the Anunnaki are accurate, then they have a profound impact on human history.

They may have created humanity, they may have influenced our culture, and they may still be visiting Earth today.

I encourage you to do some research on the Anunnaki for yourself. Many books and websites can provide you with more information.

If you want to learn more about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, then the Anunnaki are an excellent place to start.


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Did A UFO Landing Case In France in 1944?

UFO Landing Case in France in 1944, during the height of World War II, a strange event occurred in a small village in southeastern France.




Did A UFO Landing Case In France in 1944?

UFO landing case in France in 1944, during the height of World War II, a strange event occurred in a small village in southeastern France.

According to witnesses, a disc-shaped object landed in a field, and several tiny humanoid beings emerged.

The Story of the UFO Landing Case in France

This report was published by the ufological bulletins Lumineres Dans La Nuit, no. 118, and Flying Saucer Review – Case Histories, no. 12.

Madeleine Arnoux is the named witness in this case.

Arnoux recounted an encounter with a mysterious object and beings in the summer of 1944 when she was only 13 years old.

She used to ride her bicycle weekly to a farm several kilometers from her home to get groceries.

While on the road RD 42, lined with woods, towards Le Verger, she got off her bicycle to pick some wild fruits.

As she walked along a dirt path looking for blackberries, she saw a machine and beings less than 1 meter tall dressed in brown overalls.

The device was a dull metallic gray color and must have been the size of one of the small cars at that time.

Madelaine remembers feeling frozen and unable to move during the mutual observation, and it lasted for an unknown amount of time.

Afterward, she could move and quickly got on her bicycle and rode away.

Madeleine Arnoux was terrified and ran at full speed to the farm and didn’t talk about the encounter for fear of being called a liar. She believes she saw a UFO and clearly remembers the incident.

The location where the encounter happened was a lonely place, and the nearest farms were a kilometer away.

There couldn’t have been any existing vehicles at that time as they were rare on the roads anyway.

Madeleine Arnoux ruled out the possibility of resistance fighters or German soldiers being responsible for the encounter, as they would have stopped her from questioning.

Madelaine believes she must have witnessed one of the first UFO visits. She has enclosed two sketches of the place and plans to return to be more precise.

Representation of the case, published in the Revista Lumieres das la Nuit

Representation of the case, published in the Revista Lumieres das la Nuit

Other UFO Encounters During the Wars

From Alexandre the Greatest’s earliest years to the Gulf War, unidentified flying objects have been seen during nearly all of history’s pivotal military conflicts.

During the First World War, people noticed them and reported them.

It also inspired Nigel Watson’s book “UFOs of the First World War: Phantom Airships, Balloons, Aircraft, and Other Mysterious Aerial Phenomena.”

Did the Red Baron shoot down a UFO during WWI?

On March 13, 1917, they noticed an object resembling two overlapping silver plates and orange lights while patrolling over western France from an airfield in Belgium.

The object was about 40 meters (120 feet) in diameter.

The Red Baron decided to start shooting at the slowly hovering UFO despite being unable to identify the aircraft; at the time, the United States had just entered the war, so it may have been an unidentified American weapon.

“We were frightened. It was unlike anything we’d ever seen,” according to Peter Waitzrick.

The moment the Baron started firing, the object dropped like a rock and tore off tree limbs as it crashed into the forest.

He saw two young passengers escape the collision site and run into the woods after it.

The Foo Fighter Encounters During the WWII

During World War II, pilots on both sides of the conflict reported encountering strange aerial phenomena known as “Foo Fighters.”

These sightings occurred primarily in the European theater of operations.

The objects were described as glowing orbs that would follow the aircraft, dart around the sky, and sometimes even perform seemingly impossible maneuvers.

Pilots were initially uncertain about what they were seeing, but as more and more reports came in, military officials began to take notice.

Intelligence agencies investigated the objects, but no clear explanation was ever found for their presence.

Some speculated that they were secret weapons developed by the enemy, while others believed they might be extraterrestrial in origin.

Despite numerous sightings, no recorded incidents of the Foo Fighters attacking or harming any aircraft were recorded.

UFO Encounter continues in other military conflicts

During the Vietnam and Korean Wars, numerous reports of UFO sightings by military personnel existed. Pilots, in particular, reported seeing strange objects they could not explain, such as bright lights or metallic disks flying in formation.

In one well-known incident, a group of American soldiers in Vietnam reported seeing a massive, triangular-shaped craft hovering in the sky above them.

The object reportedly emitted a loud, low-frequency hum and then suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Similarly, during the Korean War, pilots reported encountering objects that they described as “flying saucers” or “cigar-shaped” craft.

These objects were said to be capable of incredible speeds and maneuvers far beyond any known aircraft’s capabilities at the time.


  • Witness Credibility: Good;
  • Number of Witnesses: 1;
  • Evidence: none;
  • Physical Evidence: none;
  • Official Investigation: none;
  • Close Encounter: Third Kind;
  • Documents: 0.

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The Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident – A UFO Encounter from 1955

USAF personnel in England witnessed multiple sightings and radar detections for several hours. The Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident implications changed the approach to UFOs.




USAF personnel in England witnessed multiple sightings and radar detections. The Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident changed the approach to UFOs.

On the night of May 13, 1955, a group of USAF personnel stationed at the RAF Lakenheath base in Suffolk, England, witnessed a strange aerial phenomenon that would become one of the most compelling UFO cases in history.

The incident, which involved multiple sightings and radar detections of unknown objects over several hours, is known as the Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident.

This post will explore the details of this classic UFO encounter and its implications for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

The Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident: The Facts

Around 9 p.m. local time, the air traffic control tower at RAF Lakenheath received a call from the RAF Bentwaters radar station about 43 miles away.

The radar operators reported tracking several unidentified blips on their scopes, which were moving erratically and seemed to be flying in formation.

The Lakenheath controllers also noticed unusual echoes on their radar screens, which they attributed to birds or weather phenomena.

Soon after, two F-89 Scorpion fighter jets from the 81st Fighter-Interceptor Squadron at Bentwaters were scrambled to intercept the objects.

The lead pilot, Lieutenant Felix Moncla, Jr., and his radar operator, Second Lieutenant Robert Wilson, made visual contact with the targets and tried to close in on them.

However, the objects appeared much faster and more agile than the jets, and they soon disappeared from the pilots’ sight and radar screens.

Another pair of Scorpions piloted by Lieutenant Charles Metz and Lieutenant William A. Daniell was sent to investigate the objects flying over the North Sea.

Metz and Daniell also saw the lights of the unknown craft, which they described as round or oval-shaped, and tried to chase them. However, the objects again evaded the pursuit and vanished.

Throughout the night, various military and civilian sources reported more sightings and radar returns in the area, including ground observers, radar stations, and pilots of commercial airliners.

Some witnesses claimed to have seen multiple objects, while others saw only one or two. Some described the objects as hovering or pulsating, while others saw them moving at high speeds and making sharp turns.

One witness, a farmer near Ipswich, reported that a strange object landed in his field and took off again after a few minutes.

Aerial view showing RAF Woodbridge at lower left with RAF Bentwaters at upper right and the Rendlesham Forest.

The Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident: The Explanations

Despite the intense interest and investigation that followed the Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident, no definitive explanation has been offered for the mysterious objects seen that night.

The official Air Force report, released in 1956, suggested that unusual weather conditions, aircraft reflections, and human error caused radar and visual observations.

However, this explanation has been criticized by many ufologists and skeptics as inadequate and implausible.

Several alternative hypotheses have been proposed, ranging from secret military tests to extraterrestrial visitation.

Some have argued that the objects were experimental aircraft or missiles of Soviet origin designed to test American defenses and provoke a response.

However, there is no conclusive evidence to support this theory, and the Cold War context alone does not explain the agility and speed of the objects.

Others have suggested that the objects were natural or atmospheric phenomena, such as ball lightning, meteors, or mirages.

While such phenomena may have caused some of the sightings, it is unlikely that they could account for all the observations and radar returns, especially those that involved multiple witnesses and equipment.

Finally, some have claimed that the objects were extraterrestrial spacecraft piloted by intelligent beings.

RAF Lakenheath to RAF Bentwaters and the location of Rendlesham Forest

More UFO Incidents

Several other UFO incidents were reported around the same time as the Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident in May 1955.

On May 21, 1955, a Royal Air Force pilot named Roger Wilcox reported seeing a metallic disc-shaped object over Milton Keynes, England, while flying a Meteor jet.

The object was estimated to be about 50 feet in diameter and flew at 12,000 feet before disappearing from view.

Another sighting occurred on May 22, 1955, in Langenburg, Germany, when a group of witnesses observed a silver disc hovering in the sky for several minutes before shooting off at high speed.

The day after, May 13, 1955, The Hopkinsville Goblins

The Hopkinsville Goblins case, often called the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter, involves a

A family in rural Kentucky experienced an encounter the following day, May 14, 1955, that would go down in history as one of the most horrifying UFO encounters in American history.

The Hopkinsville Goblins case, often called the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter, involves a family tormented by unexplained monsters who descended upon their farmhouse.

When it all began, Billy Ray Taylor, one of the family members, walked outside to get water from the well. He instantly ran back inside to inform the others after spotting a strange object floating over the sky.

The family then heard weird noises outdoors that were thought to be made by wild creatures.

Elmer Sutton, one of the family members, stepped outside to check, but when he turned around, he saw a strange creature with enormous glowing eyes staring back at him.

The creature was described as three and a half feet tall, with spindly limbs and legs and an abnormally colossal head.

With his shotgun, Elmer attempted to shoot the beast, but to no avail. The thing drifted off as though the gunshot had no impact on it.

The family then surrounded themselves inside the home as they observed some additional odd creatures emerge outside.

According to reports, the creatures moved in a jerky, almost mechanical way and possessed blazing eyes.

They were reportedly rumored to be able to scale the walls of the farmhouse and look through the windows.

The family yelled for aid because they were terrified, but the authorities could not locate proof of the unusual beings.

The military looked for the unusual entities but came up empty-handed. They did, however, mention spotting eerie skies lights.

35 years later, the Rendlesham Forest incident

Rendlesham Forest view from the RAF Bentwaters' radar

The Rendlesham Forest incident was a string of sightings of mysterious lights reported in late December 1980 close to Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, England, which later came to be associated with reports of UFO landings.

At the time, the United States Air Force (USAF) used RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters, where the events took place.

Just to the north of Rendlesham Forest is RAF Bentwaters. RAF Woodbridge extends into the forest from the west, forming its northern and eastern boundaries.

Woodbridge was chosen because it was “nearly fog-free and had no obstructions for miles.” Rendlesham Forest had to remove over a million trees to make room for the new base.

USAF personnel, including Lieutenant Colonel Charles I. Halt, the deputy base commander, reported seeing what they described as a UFO sighting.

The incident is among the most well-known reported UFO events globally and is the most well-known claimed UFO event in the United Kingdom.

It has been compared to the American UFO incident at Roswell.

It has also been called “Britain’s Roswell.”

According to the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD), the event posed no threat to national security.

As a result, it was never looked into in terms of security.

Some researchers claimed that the Orfordness Lighthouse had been misinterpreted in the sightings.


  • Witness Credibility: Good;
  • Number of Witnesses: +8;
  • Evidence: Video;
  • Physical Evidence: none;
  • Official Investigation: none;
  • Close Encounter: First Kind;
  • Documents: 1

More information about the Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident – A UFO Encounter from 1955

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