For some months an old photo presenting several children wearing suits similar used by Minions, those yellow characters from the franchise “Despicable Me”, claims they were...
The Kecksburg UFO incident completed 50 years past November, and since 1965 has been one of the most researched UFO cases over the years, and explanation...
This image circulated in the social media at early hours of December 29th, 2015 and right after a lot of users posted photos from their neighborhood skies....
It’s the ultimate love-at-first-sight story: In the middle of the desert, hundreds of miles from anything else, lonely sand grains meet up in a crowd and...
1. Outer space has no gravity – On the contrary, there is gravity in space. In fact, there is a lot of it. The main reason...
Remember the Ghost Boy from the beginning of the week? Well he was a Hoax coming from The Daily Mail, it was obvious! It is an...
“One of WA’s most respected mediums is defending his credibility after he publicly analyzed a ghost photo which was in fact a fake image captured by...