The Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter, also known as the Hopkinsville Goblins case, involved a family being terrorized by strange beings that descended upon their farmhouse in 1955.
A hostile UFO encounter from Brazilian ufology that occurred in the 1960s in Crixás, in the state of Goiás, and ended with one person's death.
The Carazinho UFO Encounter was an important UFO landing case in 1965, with physiological effects on the witness. Learn about this ufo case and draw your...
On his way home, an intense light that startled a farmer, Moisés Campelo, paralyzed him and lifted him off the ground twice. These UFO events had...
A rare sighting of two types of ufonauts in Quipapa in the vicinity of a landed flying saucer
On June 21, 1970, a strange UFO appeared in the sea near Avenida Niemeyer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Several people witnessed the UFO and the...
On September 20, 1971, another UFO lands in Itaperuna, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with a manned UAP landing on an airfield.
The Curitiba UFO is a mysterious incident that occurred in the early morning hours of October 15, 1986, in the city of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. But...
Strange lights hovered over a soccer Stadium seen by approximately 20 thousand people, the Morenão UFO Incident, on 1982.
What if I tell you that in 1957 a UFO exploded in mid air and we may have some pieces to prove it? In the Ubatuba...