A hunter, named Bauman, told Teddy Roosevelt the story about two travelers on his ranch in North Dakota. This tale made a huge impression on the...
The Van Meter Visitor presence was first noticed on an early morning Tuesday, Sept 29th, 1903. For the next five days, the small town of Van...
Remember the Frogman of Loveland, Ohio, we reported last month? Well, it is back, at least according to two Pokemon Go Hunters, if the story wasn’t...
With an about 2,900,000 sq mi (7,500,000 km2), or roughly 40 percent of the South American continent of a dense tropical forest, lives a large number...
About three and four foot tall, bipedal, humanoid, webbed hands and feet, reptilian skin, and to top it off with “a frog-like” head, this is the...
The number of sightings of reptiles humanoids kind of creatures have being increasing lately. One of the most (un)famous is the The Lizard Man of Scape...
A family in Clarke County, Alabama is sick and tired and is ready to kill Bigfoot. A native Texas man is claiming a Bigfoot is harassing...