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Caught on Tape

Basement Apparition



Paranormal investigator Tim McHenry was contacted by friends who reported a range of paranormal activity in their house.

“Activity includes disembodied voices, blankets yanked off her kids’ beds, footsteps, doors slamming shut, full-body apparitions and shadow figures,” says Tim. “The phenomena was also witnessed by friends as well as her whole family for a span of about a year or so. I instructed her to take pictures throughout the house and said I would be there the next night.”

The photo here is one result.

“I recently got involved in paranormal investigations after having two experiences that I could never explain.

I started doing research on my own and have become quite knowledgeable in things paranormal. About a month ago, I learned that one of my co-workers and his girlfriend moved out of her house 9 months ago because of paranormal activity, but due to circumstances beyond her control have to move back in. Needless to say, they’re afraid of the house and asked me for help.

“Activity includes disembodied voices, blankets yanked off her kids’ beds, footsteps, doors slamming shut, full-body apparitions and shadow figures. The phenomena was also witnessed by friends as well as her whole family for a span of about a year or so.

I instructed her to take pictures throughout the house and said I would be there the next night.

“The morning before my first investigation, she emailed me a picture taken in her basement by her friend, and there appears to be an apparition on the stairs.

It was taken at 10:30 in the morning and nothing unusual was noticed until she viewed the pictures after the fact.

During my investigation, I captured the sound footsteps on the stairs where the picture was taken and three distinct laughs in an upstairs bedroom on a digital recorder. I saw a distinct shadow figure and had a bottle cap thrown into a room where I and several people were standing.

At the conclusion of my investigation, I spread baby powder on the floor in the dining room and wrote my name about 12 inches across in the powder.

I instructed the homeowners to stay away from the house and not let anyone go inside the house as another investigation was scheduled about a week later with the paranormal group I contacted.

“The day before the second investigation, the homeowner called to inform me that she went to the house to pick up a vacuum cleaner and noticed there were footprints in the powder. She assured me that no one had been in the house after we locked it up. A week later, I returned to the house and have on video knocks somewhere in the house responding to me and an overhead fluorescent light turning on by itself.

“I’ve enclosed a picture of the apparition on the stairs and you’ll notice the top of the head partially covers a beam.” — Tim McHenry

PhotoBY Tim McHenry


Caught on Tape

Dumbest Drivers Caught on Tape: Canadian woman goes to far parking




A canadian woamn, Tripta Kaushal, 62, is ones of the top contenders for the 2010’s Dumbest Driver of the Year!

The BMW X5 mounting two other parked cars in the car park of a branch of Extreme Fitness and then being driven off features the skills of Mrs. Kaushal.

Mrs. Kaushal has now been charged with failing to remain at the scene of an accident, That’s so kind from the local PD!


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Caught on Tape

Caught on Camera: McDonald’s customer climbs in drive-thru window to get sandwich




Police released video of the incident — which shows the customer climbing out of the car to get his Filet-o-Fish sandwich – and Rashon East, 34, turned himself in. The suspect says he and his children saw the footage on TV.

South Brunswick Police say the man in the Route 1 McDonald’s smack-down video has turned himself in as of 11:30 a.m. Monday. Police say after the video was televised they received a number of tips identifying Rashon East, 34, as the culprit.

The suspect said he and his children saw the video footage of the assault televised and he decided it was time to turn himself in. Police have charged the late-night muncher with simple assault and making terroristic threats. If convicted, East could be sentenced up to 5 years in prison.

l he wanted was a Filet-o-Fish sandwich, but he lost his cool and things got out of hand from there. Police say East paid for his order, but became angry because he felt it took the worker too long to bring his sandwich. That’s when police say East, of New Brunswick, climbed through the pickup window, hollered at the employee, then pushed him against the counter before threatening him then slapping the worker in the face.
According to the State Department of Corrections, East served 30 months in prison from 1996 to 1998 for a drug conviction. He was released on a complaint, pending his first court appearance on April 13.


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Caught on Tape

Google’s Street View catches naked Girl! Again!




A young girl was caught naked at the window of her apartment by the cameras from Google Street View.

The Google maps system offers a 360-degree view of some places in the city of Hualien, Taiwan, according to newspaper report China News.

That’s not the first time Google Street View caught people in a “relaxed” moment.

Source: Strange Strange Strange

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