Top 5 Celebrities Who Have Killed Someone
Robert Blake
On May 4, 2001, actor Robert Blake’s wife Bonnie Lee Bakley was shot and killed while sitting in a car outside a Studio City, California restaurant.
Blake claimed to be inside the restaurant at the time, retrieving a gun that he’d left at his table.
Almost a year later, Blake was arrested and charged with murder, but despite the testimony of two men who claimed that he tried to recruit them to kill Bakley, Blake was found not guilty by the jury. However, when Bakley’s three children filed a civil suit against Blake in 2005, he was found liable for the wrongful death of his wife and was ordered to pay them $30 million.
In April 2008, an appeals court upheld the civil case verdict but cut Blake’s penalty in half.
Matthew Broderick
On August 5, 1987, actor Matthew Broderick was driving on a country road in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland with then-girlfriend (and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off co-star) Jennifer Grey when his car veered into the wrong lane, colliding with an oncoming vehicle.
The two passengers of the other car — 30-year-old Anna Gallagher and her 63-year-old mother Margaret Doherty — were killed instantly. Broderick spent a month in the hospital but because of memory loss, he was unable to explain what happened.
It was determined that the actor wasn’t drunk at the time of the accident, and he was charged with causing death by dangerous driving, although he was eventually convicted only of careless driving, escaping with a $175 fine.
Initially upset at the ruling, the victims’ family has since come to terms with it and met with Brodderick in 2003 to gain a sense of closure.
Rebecca GayheartOn June 13, 2001, actress Rebecca Gayheart was driving on a Los Angeles street when she struck and killed nine-year-old Jorge Cruz, Jr.
Although Cruz wasn’t using the crosswalk, the cars in front of Gayheart had stopped to allow him to cross the street. However, the actress, not seeing the boy, veered around the cars in an effort to avoid stopping and struck Cruz in the left-turn lane.
Gayheart was also talking on a cell phone at the time. She pleaded no contest to vehicular manslaughter and was sentenced to three years’ probation, a one-year suspension of her license, a $2,800 fine and 750 hours of community service.
A civil lawsuit from the Cruz family was settled out of court.
Howard Hughes
On July 11, 1936, eccentric billionaire-to-be Howard Hughes — then a successful movie producer — struck and killed a pedestrian named Gabriel Meyer at an intersection in Los Angeles.
Although Hughes had been drinking earlier that evening, he wasn’t reported to be drunk at the time and claimed that the man stepped in front of his car.
While a witness initially refuted that story, the witness eventually corroborated Hughes’ version of things (some claim he was bribed), and negligent homicide charges were dropped.
Nevertheless, Hughes paid the Meyer family $20,000 “in this their time of need.”
Don King
Flamboyant future boxing promoter Don King killed not one, but two men early in his life while running an illegal gambling operation in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1954, at the age of 23, he shot and killed a man named Hillary Brown, a death that was ruled justifiable because Brown was trying to rob one of King’s gambling stations.
Later, in 1966, he was involved in a fight with an employee of his named Sam Garrett, whom King claimed owed him money. During the scuffle, Garrett’s head hit the pavement — although some say King repeatedly stomped him to death.
He was convicted of manslaughter and spent four years in jail before being paroled in 1971, at which point he moved from gambling to boxing. King was eventually granted a full pardon by Ohio Governor James Rhodes in 1983.
Was Atlantis Finally Found?
Was the Atlantis Capital finally discovered in the Sahara Desert? For centuries, the exact location of the mythical lost city of Atlantis has been a source of debate and speculation.

The location of the mythical lost city of Atlantis has been a source of debate and speculation for centuries. It is believed to have been destroyed by a tremendous cataclysmic flood, but its exact location has never been determined.
Atlantis, described by Plato in Timaeus and Critias
“And now, Atlantes, let us suppose, that in the great island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent; and, furthermore, that the vast power which the king of this empire gathered into his own hands was administered in such a manner as was agreeable to the will of the gods, and that he was himself of a divine nature.”
“This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean … an island larger than Libya and Asia put together … Now in this island of Atlantis, there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent.”
“There were a great number of elephants on the island, and there was provision for animals of every kind, both for those who live in lakes and marshes and rivers, and also for those who live in the mountains and on the plains, and therefore for the animal which is the largest and most voracious of them.”
“A well near the central acropolis provided the city with fresh water.”
“The god Poseidon found no difficulty in making special arrangements for the center island, bringing up two springs of water from beneath the earth, one of warm water, the other of cold.”
And describe after the destruction:
“Saw only reeds on the surface of the water…”
“The sea in that area is impassable to navigation, which is hindered by mud just below the surface, the remains of the sunken island”
“Atlantis, when sunk by the earthquake, became an impassible barrier of mud to voyagers sailing from hence to any part of the ocean”
But Where the Heck was the Capital City of Atlantis?
The most popular location for Atlantis is off the coast of Southern Spain, in the Atlantic Ocean.
This is based on the writings of Plato, who wrote about the city of Atlantis in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias. According to Plato, Atlantis was a large island located beyond the Pillars of Hercules – an area that is now known as the Strait of Gibraltar.
It is thought that the city may have been located in what is now the Mediterranean Sea, off the southern coast of Spain.
Other scholars have suggested that Atlantis may have been located in the Caribbean or off the coast of Africa.
Some have speculated that the city may have been located in the North Atlantic, near the Azores Islands, a group of volcanic islands in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Others have suggested that Atlantis may have been located in the Aegean Sea, near the Greek island of Santorini (formerly called Thera).
This theory is based on the fact that Santorini is a volcanic island destroyed by a giant eruption in 1613 BC.
Why do some scholars believe Atlantis was Found in The Santorini?
The eruption of Santorini, also known as Thera, occurred around 1613 BC.
It is thought to have been one of the most significant volcanic eruptions in human history and is believed to have been the source of the legend of the lost island of Atlantis.
The eruption devastated the nearby islands of Crete and Santorini and caused significant destruction in the surrounding region.
It is estimated that the eruption had a magnitude of 6.5 on the Richter scale and was one of the most powerful volcanic eruptions ever recorded.
It is possible that this eruption could have been the cataclysmic event that destroyed Atlantis, as described by Plato in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias.
It is also possible that the remnants of the lost city could be found in the submerged ruins which have been found around the island, such as the ruined city of Akrotiri.
Furthermore, some have suggested that the Minoan Civilization, which flourished on the island of Crete, may have been the civilization of Atlantis and that the eruption of Santorini caused the destruction of both.
Why do some scholars believe Atlantis was Found off the coast of Southern Spain, in the Atlantic Ocean?
According to Plato, Atlantis was a large island located beyond the Pillars of Hercules – an area that is now known as the Strait of Gibraltar.
It is thought that the city may have been located in what is now the Mediterranean Sea, off the southern coast of Spain.
This theory is supported by the fact that many ancient cities have been found along the southern Spanish coast, such as Tartessos and the nearby Monastery of San Miguel de Arca.
It is possible that these cities were part of Atlantis or were connected to it.
Many ancient cities have been found along the southern Spanish coast, such as Tartessos and the nearby Monastery of San Miguel de Arca.
It is possible that these cities were part of Atlantis or were connected to it. Additionally, the Strait of Gibraltar is a narrow strip of water between Europe and Africa which could have been the original Pillars of Hercules described by Plato.
All of this evidence suggests that the lost city of Atlantis may have been located off the coast of Southern Spain, in the Atlantic Ocean.
Why do some scholars believe Atlantis was Founded in the Caribbean?
The theory is also supported by Plato’s writings, geography, and archaeological evidence.
Some scholars believe Atlantis was found in the Caribbean because, according to Plato’s writings, the ancient city was located near the Pillars of Hercules. This geographic marker could refer to the Strait of Gibraltar.
This, in turn, could place Atlantis in the Caribbean, as it would have been easy to travel from the Mediterranean Sea to the Caribbean by boat.
Furthermore, many islands in the Caribbean bear strong similarities to the descriptions of Atlantis given by Plato, and some of these islands even contain ancient structures and artifacts from a period that could be associated with Atlantis.
Why do some scholars believe Atlantis was founded near the Azores Islands?
This theory is based on archaeological evidence, geological data, and other clues that point to the area as the possible location of the lost paradise.
The first evidence that suggests the Azores Islands as the possible location of Atlantis is the similarity between the description in Plato’s dialogues and the islands’ geography.
The Azores consist of nine volcanic islands, some of which are surrounded by deep canyons and bays, features that are similar to the description of Atlantis given by Plato.
In addition, the Azores have been the site of numerous archaeological discoveries that may point to a possible connection with Atlantis.
In the 1980s, several artifacts were discovered on one of the islands, including a bull statue, a symbol associated with Atlantis.
Archaeologists also uncovered a temple complex on the island, which experts believe may have been used by ancient civilizations.
Geological evidence also supports the theory that Atlantis was located near the Azores.
The islands are part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a massive submarine mountain range running down the Atlantic Ocean.
Why do some scholars finally believe Atlantis was founded in the Middle of the Desert?
The Blue Eye of the Sahara, also known as the Richat Structure or the Guelb er Richat, is a geological formation in the Sahara Desert that looks like a massive bullseye.
The formation stretches across approximately 14.6 miles vast region of the desert in the nation of Mauritania.
For centuries, only a few nomadic tribes in the area were aware of the formation.
It was photographed for the first time by the Gemini astronauts in the 1960s, who used it as a landmark to track the progress of their landing sequences.
Later, the Landsat satellite took additional images and provided information about the formation’s size, height, and extent.
Geologists initially thought the Eye of the Sahara was an impact crater formed when a space object collided with the surface.
However, long-term studies of the rocks inside the structure show that its origins are entirely Earth-based.
Tourists and geologists flock to the Eye of the Sahara to study the unique geological feature in person.
However, because the Eye is located in a sparsely inhabited region of the desert with very little water or rainfall, it is not under much threat from humans.
Reasons Why the Capital City of the Atlantis was in the Eye of the Sahara?
Plato and Solon were known to have integrity and were rarely challenged. Plato’s story of Atlantis is the only one that has ever been challenged.
Herodotus (484–425 BC) was an ancient Greek historian and geographer known for having written the Histories – a detailed account of the Greco-Persian Wars.
He created a detailed inhabited world map placing Atlantis on the western Sahara Desert, south of Mount Atlas.
Herodotus’s map from 450 BC places Atlantis in the same place as the Eye.
Another map, Pomponius Mela, Rome’s first geographer, created a sophisticated map of the known world titled “Del Sito, Forma E Misvra Del Mondo” 2000 years ago (The Habitable World of Pomponius Mela). He was placing Atlantis in the exact location.
Atlantis was described as having impressive mountains to the north.
The massive mountain chain to the north is called the Atlas Mountains,, which were aptly named after the first known king of Mauritania, who shares the same name as the very first king of Atlantis, Atlas.
The first documented usage of the term “Atlantic” was in the sixth century BC by a Greek poet, Atlantikôi pelágei, or the “Sea of Atlas.”
The nearby mountains were revered as Gods’ representatives, with lush rivers and waterfalls. These mountains were said to be in the north, where the Eye’s mountains are. When you look at the satellite images of the Eye, you can see the river and water lines that appear throughout the landscape.
Plato described the sea to the south of Atlantis and the desert surrounding it, which can also be seen in satellite images.
The legend of Atlantis is based on ancient Egyptians, that claimed that they were colonists and the last survivors of a civilization that was destroyed in a cataclysm.
We learned about Atlantis and its precise location through their ancestors.
The diameter of the Capital City of Atlantis’ circular isle was described as 127 Stadia. 1 Stadia equals 607 feet. When you multiply 127 x 607, the result is 77,089 ft. This is approximately 14.6 miles – the diameter of the Eye.
Solon, Plato’s relative, was an Athenian statesman and poet who traveled to Egypt and learned about Atlantis first-hand. These are the stories that Solon told Plato.
In his Critias and Timaeus dialogues, Plato describes Atlantis as three alternating zones of water and two of land, which could easily be transposed onto the physical structure of the Eye that we know today.
It was said that fresh water flowed from Atlantis’ center island, which also exists in the Eye’s center circle.
Satellite imagery shows that weather pushed mud across the region, which could easily be attributed to a tsunami, one of many aspects of the weather system that destroyed Atlantis simultaneously.
Mauritania exports copper and gold, both of which were abundant throughout the Atlantean Empire.
Plato claimed that elephants and other animals were plentiful on Atlantis; many elephant bones have been discovered near the Eye.
Black, red, and lighter-colored rocks were said to be embedded throughout Atlantis. This also applies to the Eye.
Thousands of artifacts have been discovered in and around the Richat Structure. Most are 12,000 years old or older, putting them in the same time frame as Atlantis. Arrowheads, spears, stone spheres, surfboards, oars, ship hulls, and other items are among them.
The center of the city of Atlantis, described as being geothermal, was said to have been blessed with hot springs and freshwater springs, as defined by Plato.
A little-known study of the Rishad structure from the late 1990s describes it as a hydrothermal complex.
Hot springs are the very definition of a hydrothermal anomaly, and the fact that there is an actual scientific study corroborating this uniquely specific characteristic is remarkable.
Sahara was a lush green tropical landscape at the time of Atlantis. But between 8,000 and 4500 years ago, it transitioned from humid to dry, resulting in the Sahara Desert.
Considering that all of the areas in and around the wrist shot have concentrations of salt and are in the areas of the lowest elevation, it seems reasonable to conclude that seawater had once settled and evaporated there.
What is your opinion, is the eye of the Sahara the most likely location for the lost capital of the City of Atlantis?
More information about the 1998 Capão Redondo UAP Incident
Jimi Hendrix murdered – Rock n’ Roll Strange Legends

Was Jimi Hendrix murdered? That is what a lot of historians believe. In a recorded interview, to R. Gary Patterson, James ‘Tappy’ Wright talks about Jimmy Hendrix’s murder.
Jimi Hendrix joined the 27 Club and the story became a Rock n’ Roll Strange Legend
How Did Jimi Hendrix Die?
The collective knowledge is that he choked to death on his vomit.
However, how Hendrix passed away is still a matter of debate.
Here’s what you probably haven’t known.
On the days that followed that tragic September 18, 1970, no one interviewed the ambulance driver.
No one interviewed the doctor at the St. Mary Abbot’s Hospital in Kensington.
A lot of things they told us on biography book that happened that day, did not occur as written.
The Official Jimi Hendrix’s last night
In the days before that morning, Hendrix overworked, with problems to sleep and reportedly had the flu.
He spent his relaxing time at the Samarkand Hotel flat with a girlfriend, Monika Danneman, a German painter and former ice skating champion.
According to Monika Danneman They had dinner and shared a bottle of red wine, then Jimi took a bath and Monika drove him to a party.
Monika returned around 3 am, blowing the horn and calling for Jimi, according to witnesses, it embarrassed him, and he got angry because “she wouldn’t leave me alone.” But he left with her.
Monika Danneman claimed she fixed a tuna fish sandwich, which people surrounding Jimi Hendrix hated tuna sandwich.
With Jimi still struggling to fell sleep, he asked Monika for her sleeping medication.
Monika Danneman told authorities that she wouldn’t give them to Hendrix. However, she took one pill herself and went to bed at 6 am.
She then recorded waking up four hours later with Hendrix sleeping comfortably beside her.
Monika Danneman left the rented apartment to buy cigarettes.
Apon her return she noticed that Hendrix was unconscious but breathing.
She called the police at 11:18 am the ambulance arrived at 11:27 am.
Paramedics found the apartment door wide open the curtains closed and on Jimmi Hendrix in the apartment, Monika Dannemann vanished.
The doctor pronounced Jimi Hendrix dead at 12:45 pm in the St. Mary Abbot’s Hospital, on September 18, 1970.
The autopsy concluded that Jimi choked on his vomit and died of asphyxia while intoxicated with sleeping pills.
Monika’s story to authorities presented to be inconsistent each time.
Who Killed Jimi Hendrix?
When you read the coroner’s report, it states that Hendrix had wine in his hair.
Besides that according to paramedic Reg Jones, Hendrix laid “covered in vomit,” and “his airway was completely blocked all the way down.”
On the toxicology report, the alcohol level in his bloodstream equivalated to two beers.
But paramedics identified wine was oozing out of Jimi’s mouth, which means his lungs were filled with wine.
The Doctor John Bannister that tried to save Hendrix at the hospital remembers that Jimi’s hair and shirt saturated with wine, but his lungs and stomach were absolutely full of wine.
“I have never seen so much wine.”
But Coroner only found a small amount of wine in Hendrix bloodstream and liver.
Jimi Hendrix murdered
According to James ‘Tappy’ Wright, Monika Dannemann gave him the Vesparax sleeping pills.
As soon as he became unconscious, she opened the door to three men carrying bottles of wine. They basic waterboarded Hendrix with Wine.
They held him down and poured bottles of wine down his throat directly into the lungs.
The toxicological report corroborates this version. Hendrix had such a small amount of alcohol in his bloodstream, not enough to be oozing from his mouth.
It Implies that Hendrix was dead before the alcohol could enter the bloodstream.
Who ordered the Jimi Hendrix murder?
James ‘Tappy’ Wright witnessed when Mike Jeffrey said to Monika Dannemann:
“well-done Darling, here is your money.”
A year later, Jeffery confessed to having murdered Hendrix to James ‘Tappy’ Wright.
According to James ‘Tappy’ Wright, Hendrix was killed because he was leaving Mike Jeffrey.
Mike Jeffrey borrowed one to Two million dollars from the mob to build Electric Lady Studios and altered paper of payments to Hendrix.
Hendrix voiced his unsatisfaction with Jeffrey, and if didn’t renew their contract Jeffrey would owe a great deal of money to the Mafia.
Aside from that Jimmy Hedrix had a two million dollar life insurance policy.
More tragic deaths surrounding Jimi Hendrix murdered
According to R. Gary Patterson, In the night Hendrix died, he, in reality, visited his longtime girlfriend, Devon Wilson.
Shortly after Hendrix’s funeral in Seattle, she went around saying Jeffery killed Hendrix.
Devon Wilson fell from the 8th floor of the Chelsea Hotel in New York on February 2, 1971.
On the 25th anniversary of Hendrix’s death, 1995, Monika Dannemann published “The Inner World of Jimi Hendrix” claiming she was engaged to Hendrix.
Monika Dannemann apparently killed herself on April 5, 1996.
Police discovered the body dead in a fume-filled car, three days after losing a court battle to Kathy Etchingham, another of the rock star’s girlfriends.
Monika breached an undertaking that she would never repeat an allegation that Kathy was an “inveterate liar” concerning her relationship with Hendrix.
Who was Mike Jeffrey?
Frank Michael Jeffery a former MI6, Britsh Secret Service Agent, an explosives master and he used to terrify people with his claims.
Matter fact, in May 1969, on his way to Toronto, customer authorities found heroin and hashish inside a bag in Hendrix possession. He claimed a person gave to him.
Hendrix knew it was Mike Jeffrey. That Jeffrey placed the heroin there just to prove to Hendrix that he could get him anytime he wanted.
Four months later, after Woodstock, armed men kidnapped Jimi Hendrix, holding him hostage for several days.
Until Mike Jeffrey and friends show up to save the day like in a movie shootout.
On the day of Jimi Hendrix’s death, Jeffrey was in Spain.
Jeffery died in a mid-air collision over Nantes, France on 5 March 1973.
All passenger died, the only thing the rescue team found from Mike Jeffrey was a wristwatch.
Another Time Traveler Running For President
Andrew D. Basiago is an American lawyer, writer, time traveler (chrononaut), served in Project Pegasus a Time-Space explorer project and has announced his candidacy to the 2016 U.S. presidential race.
According to Basiago, the U.S. President Barack Obama was the first Time Traveler to be in the White House. Obama, using the name “Barry Soetoro”, enrolled in their Mars training class in the 80’s and meet Basiago on Martian surface.
Mr. Basiago claim that in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, he was a child participant in Project Pegasus, which was the US time-space exploration program at the time of the emergence of time travel in the US defense-technical community.
Again in the early 1980’s he was called back into government service, when he made numerous visits to Mars after being tapped to join the CIA’s Mars “jump room” program.
Time Traveler Running For President
Andrew D. Basiago holds five academic degrees, including a BA in History from UCLA and a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cambridg
With his candidacy based platform on seeing Abraham Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address and his assassination (multiple times, may change the murder/way but the actual outcome of the event remains the same), as well has his knowledge of what’s going to happen until in 2054.
But Mr. Basiago also has most realistic promises, a moratorium on immigration, the end to Obamacare and of course the end to homelessness and hunger.
If you would like to join and support Andy or just would like to read his “100 Proposals – A New Agenda For A New America” visit his official campaign website.
If you are curious how Andrew Basiago can be the U.S. President in 2017, he is running as a write-in candidate in those 43 states that allow this, and the “fee” allow it to happens for all 50 states is estimated to be just U$5 million.
But since he visited the future we are pretty sure he knows how history will unfold and it is a good investment.
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