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Wild Life

Terrified kitten stuck 70ft up a tree saved from angry crows



It is a reversal of the natural pecking order. Normally, cats harass birds or catch them or even kill them.

But not here and not with Holly who grabs on to a branch for dear life as 70ft up crows swoop menacingly around her.

The birds peck at the animal, flap their wings at the seven-month-old kitten and even manage to shake the branches as they try to knock her off.

However, she was finally rescued at Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, by a fire crew who had a ladder long enough to reach the frightened creature.

Before they arrived Holly had had to endure repeated attacks from the birds without food or water in the 25C (77F) heat.

Her owners Lisa Govier and Jason Thompson had failed to coax her down and some workmen nearby with a cherry picker had found it was not tall enough.

Mr Thompson said Holly had shot up the tree on Monday, giving Miss Govier a sleepless night, and the birds had begun their assault yesterday before the firefighters arrived.

He said: ‘The crows arrived and they were taunting her, pecking at her, and she looked very distressed.

‘She wasn’t meowing anymore and we were all really concerned. All the neighbours came out because they could hear all the commotion with the crows.

‘We tried all sorts of things to scare the crows off but that didn’t seem to be working.’

Mr Thompson added: ‘The workmen were very kind for trying to help out but thankfully in the end the fire service did come to the rescue.’
Source: Daily Mail


Alabamian Attacked By Black Panther




Frank Harmes says he was walking his dog in a cove behind his home near Morgan City, Alabama, Wednesday, December 1st, when he heard something behind him and turned to see a black panther.

Harmes says he made a motion to try and scare off the panther but instead, it attacked. Harmes say he clawed him cutting through his pants and scratching his leg.

He then took out a knife and stabbed the panther twice and it walked away.

Harmes lives off of Royster Drive near Morgan City and residents of the area have reported seeing panthers in the past, saying they sometimes come out looking for food.

Harmes says he will undergo a series of rabies shots because of the attack.

Source: WAFF

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Wild Life

Cats moves to top of food chain, alligators to bottom




A video that shows a cat attacking two American alligators (alligators) thrives on the site on YouTube. The video had been filmed on a farm in Louisiana, USA, according to a report in British newspaper the Daily Mail.

The pictures show the cat expelling the reptiles when they came out of the lake.

Despite being an easy prey to predator, the cat did not seem to be afraid of alligators and came knocking with a paw in one of the reptiles, to force him back into water.


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Wild Life

Orcas are caught ‘surfing’ wave in New Zealand




Four killer whales were caught last Friday (12) “surfing” on a beach in Sandy Bay, New Zealand.

The presence of orcas caused panic on the beach.

Surfers who saw the waves of water came quickly for safety reasons.

Source: G1

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