Built in 1916, a German U-Boat, a submarine U-65, became notorious for being haunted by an unexplained number of events, from accidents to deaths. Even an...
Wonder Woman movie will be released this week. The Greek legend that inspired the History of Princess of the Amazons came to life by true female...
Phoenix Forgotten, three teenagers disappeared during the Phoenix Lights events on March 13, 1997, and twenty years later, a movie comes to tell the story. The...
The Silent Movie Theatre dedicated only to present “silent” films is also haunted by the ghosts from two former owners. The Beginning of the Silent Movie...
A 150-year-old building houses the Double Eagle Restaurant, in Historic Old Mesilla, New Mexico, it has a rich history of legends, murder, and paranormal activities. The...
A hunter, named Bauman, told Teddy Roosevelt the story about two travelers on his ranch in North Dakota. This tale made a huge impression on the...
Inmates and religious extremist haunt the Black Jail, in Guthrie, Oklahoma, the state’s first territorial prison and the Samaritan Cult House with possible ties to murder...
Captain Thomas Mantell chased a UFO over Franklin, Kentucky. Captain Mantell tried to intercept the UFO when he began a spiraling, climbing turn to 220 degrees...
The recently re-branded, Stay On Main Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, is an icon of the town and the paranormal world. You may not recognize the...
Winchester Mystery House built for 38 years according to ghosts instructions to appease their souls by creating an outstanding mansion for them. Featured in many Paranormal...