The “Lawsuit Zeus,” also known as “Johnny Sue-nami,” filed a lawsuit this week in federal court seeking an injunction to stop the Guinness Book of World...
Japanese scientists have created a monkey that glows green. The “transgenic” marmosets, written about in Nature journal, can pass on their glowing gene to their offspring....
A cheating wife conned £120,000 out of her family to fund a luxurious double life with a secret lover. Fiona Gibson, 39, pretended to leave for...
From The Gralien Report By Micah on UFOs During a recent email exchange I had with my friend Nancy Birnes, editor of UFO Magazine, it was...
Thirteen years ago, on Memorial Day, video footage of an alleged Sasquatch was captured and named after this holiday. Source: Cryptomundo
In this video, a new documentary describes reports of real Vampires (called “strigoi” in Romanian) from Transylvania and surrounding regions: The synopsis reads as follows: Two...
CCTV footage which appears to have captured an apparition making its way through the grounds of Croxteth Park Liverpool City Council has called in experts to...
A recent ABC newscast focuses on how a commonly-used firefighters’ manual from FEMA has an entire chapter devoted to UFO preparedness. And you can buy the...
A Pierce County mother wants some answers after some of her daughter’s classmates posted a video online, showing several ways to kill the girl. The video...
A pair of young lovers in Yichang, Hubei province, plan to get several operations to change their gender and then marry each other. The woman wants...