A hunter, named Bauman, told Teddy Roosevelt the story about two travelers on his ranch in North Dakota. This tale made a huge impression on the...
Scientists have discovered the werewolf gene, called hypertrichosis. Experts know that the extremely rare condition runs in families and in 1995, researchers studied a Mexican family...
Do you remember the famous Gable Film (Gable Case #MPO41177-1), The Dogmen film? Check here to refresh your memory. Last night, Wednesday, March 24, 2010, in...
“Encounters with Strange Creatures” is the them of Coast to Coast AM this Thursday 23th, George Noory will host the author Linda Godfrey, artist and researcher...
Do you remember the famous Gable Film (Gable Case #MPO41177-1), The Dogmen film? Check here for refresh your memory. I was at my little brother’s house...