Yesterday was released the strange book, “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” by Seth Grahame-Smith with a funny “book trailer” bellow. Following the success of his bestselling Pride...
February 24, 2010 at approximately 10:30 a.m. Stan Romanek, along with his wife and friend, where flying from Denver Colorado to Las Vegas, Nevada to attend...
Russia has launched a program to build a powerful, multi-purpose airship that will certainly cause many people on the ground to take notice. The “Locomoskayner” airship...
A group of nine Haitians who survived the earthquake of Haiti, on January 12, and was seeking refuge in Chile was struck by another nightmare when...
Lon Strickler who runs the excellent Phantoms and Monsters news service, reports a strange Airplane crash incident in Australia, or maybe not a crash! Australians authorities...
A job that started in June 1958 culminated this week with recognition from the famous reference book of extreme achievements. Darlyne Markus, 80, of Nampa received...
Did you have ever sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night, heart pounding, freaked out by the sound of her name being shouted loud...
When Mary Louise Salerno saw Jesus Christ in a bucket of pizza sauce, her instinct was not to alert the media or even to tell many...
Video recorded in Kumburgaz, Istanbul, Turkey (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), by a Turkish nightguard, Yalcin Yalman. Studies made by Sirius UFO and...
1. Southern Elephant Seal The Southern Elephant Seal is said to be the largest carnivore to have lived till date. The adult males have large proboscis...