A Britsh woman Abi Blake, 30, make recipes to create a complete breast milk menu, which includes tarts, smoothies and even lasagne. The married mum-of-one shares...
The British Natasha Narula, 35, tried to give a day of princess for her daughter, Drew, 8, but was prevented from realizing the dream of the...
A couple broke last month a vehicle in front of their children to steal a tape recorder in Fayetteville in the state of Tennessee (USA), according...
An ordinary cotton T-shirt can be converted into body armour, thanks to scientists from South Carolina, Switzerland and China. They combined the carbon in the cotton...
Silk has made its way from the soft curves of the body to the spongy folds of the brain. Engineers have now designed silk-based electronics that...
Parents in Switzerland found a different way of celebrate their kid’s birthday. Instead of hiring a magician or clown to a traditional children’s party, they hire...
An American from Pennsylvania, United States, thought to have found a safe place to store your marijuana: a child’s backpack. Big mistake. Ronald Washington saved 113...
Maddie Chambers, 30, spent the last year being devoted to the work of JRR Tolkien, more precisely to the home of Frodo. She built a mockup...
Celebrity Psychic Barb Powell is predicting that Miley Cyrus will end up pregnant this year! In Jan. Barb predicted Sarah Palin would host a TV show…it...
Source: Phantoms and Monsters