In August 12th, 2009, a group of girls where praying for a young man, who had committed suicide, when one of the girls decided to record...
During a Public Ghost Tour of Victorias, Barwon Park Mansion (near Geelong) a photo of a ghost was revealed. Is this a photo of a Ghost?...
The Knicks were afraid, very afraid. And it had nothing to do with the Oklahoma City Thunder. For two days, several players had trouble sleeping because...
Each Ghost is captured from a reported haunted establishment, (house, hotel, ship, cemetery, etc), by our Ghost Hunters. We seal the ghost in it’s own bottle....
If you want adventure British Columbia is definitely the place to be. Its amazing terrain offers everything from golfing, fishing, kayaking, sailing, windsurfing, hiking, mountain climbing,...
Paranormal investigator Tim McHenry was contacted by friends who reported a range of paranormal activity in their house. “Activity includes disembodied voices, blankets yanked off her...
A Chilean news station showed pictures of a tragic car crash that occurred on Router A-16. Known as “The Cursed Road” by locals, the images of...
Ghosts and Lancashire pubs seem to go hand in hand … almost as much as the beer and crisps. There’s the legend of Lizzie at The...
Sometimes seeing means deceiving before believing, depending on your age. Children and adults size up objects differently, giving youngsters protection against a visual illusion that bedevils...
An exorcism was performed February 14, 1974, at what we now call “The Hinsdale House,” in Hinsdale, NY. Father Alphonsus Trabold from nearby St. Bonaventure University...