
Has Ogopogo Been Spotted on Google Earth?

From Phantoms and Monsters:

received the following email tonight:

Let me start by saying that I really enjoy your blog, as for the subject of the image attached; I was going through your July 09 archive and one of the posts was about the Okanagan Lake monster, and since I had some free time on my hands, I decided to use Google earth to try and scan the lake from above, and to my surprise, I stumbled upon this monster/snake/big fishing net thing that is about 280 meters long and could well be the thing they saw on that day (due to it’s proximity to the boat dock).

Thank you and keep up the good work.

Abdulaziz, Kuwait

Well, I looked at the image (from 2004) and the anomaly that Abdulaziz mentioned…but, then I noticed a shadow in the water about, my estimate, 150 feet offshore. I screen captured the shadow and attempted to enhance it a bit. The shape is similar to a plesiosaur or a serpentine creature, but with 1 pair of flippers (possibly, another pair hidden). I realize it’s just a shadow or silhouette but the shape is intriguing. Could this be Ogopogo?..Lon

Yeah, Google Earth Again!
Source: Phantoms and Monsters

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