
Did This Jellyfish Crop Circle Accurately Predict A Solar Storm?

Discovered last month in a UK barley field, this crop circle appears to be a jellyfish. But intrepid crop circle analysts have discovered that it predicts a devastating solar storm on July 7. And they have diagrams to prove it.

Whenever a severe solar storm impacts directly on Earth, then our planetary magnetic field or “magnetosphere” changes into the general shape of a “jellyfish”. That seems to be what those crop artists were telling us at Wayland’s Smithy on May 29, 2009.

The new crop picture shows also seven “eclipse” symbols in its central tail (white numbers 1 to 7), as well as seven streamers hanging off below (yellow numbers 1 to 7). Both of those features suggest that a solar storm may impact Earth on July 7, 2009, as has already been suggested by several other crop pictures from April or May. The new crop picture also shows a small, horizontal, four-circle band just between its head and its long tail (blue arrows, left or right above). That feature closely resembles a crop picture from July 20, 2008 which told us about eclipses. Indeed, the suggested date of July 7, 2009 for an upcoming solar storm will be a penumbral lunar eclipse.

The tentacles are non-symmetrical and seem to depict an organic, moving layer or sheath around the jellyfish. Their purpose is protection. Once activated the 12-point chakra system, through the crown ‘doorway’, will open human Beings to multi-dimensionality and envelop the physical body in an ethereal, protective shell. The tentacles also seem to suggest our awareness or consciousness flowing freely into the unified field. We are on a wondrous journey of self-discovery as we awaken to our essence and full potential.

Source and more informations: io9

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