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Woman spends £5,000 in plastic surgery and forgets to pay her daughter’s school

Namita Rachel, age 16, studying at one of the most renowned institutions for girls in the UK when she was informed by management that should change schools. The reason? His mother had no money to pay the tuition the following year.

Nileen Namita spent all the family savings in plastic surgery. In all, 53 interventions, a total of £5,000 (over U$7,600). The British are obsessed by the beauty of Nefertiti and does everything to look like the Egyptian queen.

The Daily Mail, Nileen, 50, said she was always proud. “I did not talk with Rachel before because I figured she knew our financial situation,” explained Nileen.

The accounts of English it is much easier to pay plastic surgery than the school fees of his daughter. “To pay for school Rachel, I need a thousand pounds a month, now for my surgeries, spent five thousand on a year and the Next, do not spend anything. ”

Source: dailymail.co.uk

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